Wednesday, 20th May 2009 -- We did this trip two winters ago. It’s been a while but I’ve never really had the drive to write about it until now. We flew from Singapore to Amsterdam and from there, took a connecting flight to Milan. Later, I’ll share [&hellip ...
Thursday, 22nd February 2007 -- Remember this story? When I wrote it I was only relying on old memories and things my parents told me. But last week I finally had the chance to actually live the story. With the long Chinese New Year break, I packed our [&hellip ...
Tuesday, 26th December 2006 -- The decision to choose Japan as our winter holiday destination came almost instantly. The kids have been nagging me to take them to Disneyland in Hong Kong and I for one, was not too keen on going there. I certainly [&hellip ...
Thursday, 29th June 2006 -- I really don’t have a lot of words to describe Edinburgh. Nothing I say will ever do its beauty justice. I only spent 3 nights in this quaint yet modern city but I brought home with me almost 900 snapshots [&hellip ...
Sunday, 25th June 2006 -- I only got to stay one night in London before taking the train to Cardiff where I was supposed to meet my crazy travel buddy. I managed to convince Ojisan’s missus to come along and we made our way to [&hellip ...
Monday, 17th April 2006 -- And so I’m back. From a magical trip to Hoi An in Central Vietnam. The pictures below serve only as a glimpse into what I did during this escapade. I took a total of 658 photos and no matter how [&hellip ...
Monday, 17th April 2006 -- ...
Monday, 17th April 2006 -- ...
Tuesday, 10th January 2006 -- I just realised that I haven’t finished my Europe Getaway stories. And what’s worse is that the missing part happens to be the highlight and main purpose of my trip to Italy: Cortona. So, if you guys are still interested, [&hellip ...
Sunday, 14th August 2005 -- It was Wednesday morning, 8th of June and I finally was on my way to Cortona. CORTONA. The town that was the main purpose of my Europe getaway. Beautifully set on a hill above the Val di Chiana plain, Cortona [&hellip ...
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